G3606 A4 Gas Engine

G3606 A4 Gas Engine

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G3600 ADEM™4 engines provide a wide range of power options to fit your gas compression application. G3600 ADEM™4 engines bring the highest uptime in the industry and long operating intervals ...
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Engine Specifications

Maximum Rating
Rated Speed
NSPS Site Compliant Capable with Customer-provided Aftertreatment, 0.3 g and 0.5 g/bhp-hr NOx
Minimum Rating
Compression Ratio
9.2:1 Gen 1 (7:6:1 Gen 2)
Rotation from Flywheel End
Flywheel Teeth
Weight - Dry
Oil Change Interval
5000 hours
Ignition, Protection
Electronic (ADEM™ A4)

Capacity for Liquids

Cooling System
124gal (US)
Lube Oil System - Refill
187gal (US)


Meets U.S. EPA Spark Ignited Stationary NSPS Emissions for 2010 with the use of an oxidation catalyst

Lean Burn Engine Technology

Lean-burn engines operate with large amounts of excess air. The excess air absorbs heat during combustion reducing the combustion temperature and pressure, greatly reducing levels of NOx. Lean-burn design also provides longer component life and excellent fuel consumption.

Ease of Operation

Includes engine mounted thermostats, compress oil cooler connections, jacket water and lube oil heater connections.

Advanced Digital Engine Management

ADEM4 engine management system integrates speed control, air/fuel ratio control, and ignition/detonation controls into a complete engine management system. ADEM4 has improved: user interface, display system, shutdown controls, and system diagnostics.

Gas Engine Rating Pro

GERP is a web-based program designed to provide site performance capabilities for Cat® natural gas engines for the gas compression industry. GERP provides engine data for your site's altitude, ambient temperature, fuel, engine coolant heat rejection, performance data, installation drawings, spec sheets, and pump curves.https://gerp.cat.com

Product Support Offered Through Global Cat Dealer

More than 2,200 dealer outlets Cat factory-trained dealer technicians service every aspect of your petroleum engine Cat parts and labor warranty Preventive maintenance agreements available for repairbefore-failure options S•O•SSM program matches your oil and coolant samples against Caterpillar set standards to determine: - Internal engine component condition - Presence of unwanted fluids - Presence of combustion by-products - Site-specific oil change interval

Aftermarket Upgrade Kits

A number of upgrade kits are available for Cat® G3600 engines. For customers looking to enhance the performance, while continuing to meet emissions requirements of their gas compression fleet, consider a Gen 2 Kit and/or the Closed Crankcase Ventilation (CCV) System retrofit.

Find detailed information on each upgrade, including features, benefits, and applicable engine ratings using the link below.


Over 80 Years of Engine Manufacturing Experience

Over 80 years of natural gas engine production Ownership of these manufacturing processes enables Caterpillar to produce high quality, dependable products - Cast engine blocks, heads, cylinder liners, and flywheel housings - Machine critical components - Assemble complete engine


For all your petroleum power requirements, visit www.cat.com/oilandgas

Standard Equipment:

Optional Equipment:

    Air Inlet System
    • Heavy-duty air cleaner with precleaners
    Charging System
    • 35 Amp & 65 Amp charging alternators – CSA approved
    Exhaust System
    • Flexible bellows adapters
    • Exhaust expander
    • Weld flanges
    Fuel System
    • Fuel filter
    • Gas pressure regulator
    • Flexible connection
    • LCD display panel
    • Remote data monitoring and speed control
    • Color HMI display
    • Compatible with Cat® Electronic Technician (ET) and Data View
    • Modbus and Ethernet capable
    Lube System
    • Air or electric motor-driven prelube
    • Duplex oil filter
    • RH Service
    • Lube oil makeup system
    Mounting System
    • Mounting plates (set of four)
    • Extra mounting feet (set of two)
    • Extra mounting plates (set of two)
    Power Take-offs
    • Front stub shafts
    Starting System
    • Air pressure reducing valve
    • Engine barring device
    • Damper guard